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October 2017

Ally Jaye Reeves Ally Jaye Reeves is a Toronto based illustrator and a graduate of Sheridan College’s illustration program. She enjoys reading children’s books, petting golden retrievers and thinking about adopting a house plant.

The Wrong Side of History

Monuments, historical sins, and reconciling with the past

Margaret MacMillan and Randall Hansen

Trompe Le Toil

The modern conundrum of overwork

Emily M. Keeler

A Sociology of CanLit

Readers, writers, and the future of our literature

Dennis Duffy

Undeclaring a Language War

A Montreal academic confronts the “mytho-constitutional Quebec universe”

Graham Fraser

Praise God—but First, the Market

Why some jihadist groups rise to power

Amira Elghawaby

Lives of a Brother

Love, hope, and death in Scarberia

Donna Bailey Nurse

The Money Trap

Big Pharma’s bid to woo doctors, patient groups, journalists, and the rest of us

Anne Kingston

Bigger Than the Team

A dad’s-eye view of the NHL’s most polarizing figure

Stephen Smith