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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

September 2006

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Kevin Sylvester Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator and CBC sportscaster and host who lives in Toronto. His new book, Sports Hall of Weird, was published by KidsCan Press in 2005, and his old book, Shadrin Has Scored for Russia, is available from him directly at

Living Better Multiculturally

In Canada we seem to get the multi part, but how about the culture?

Janice Gross Stein

Memoirs of a Publishing Pimp

A guru of CanLitCrit bares almost but not quite all

Nick Mount

The Wrong Man

Is it possible the RCMP were targeting the wrong suspects in the Air India investigation?

Robert Matas

Checking in on Quebec

Two leading analysts try to free the province from old ideas

George Anderson

What Happened to Good Food?

No nutrition, no farms, no family dinners, says a founding editor of Harrowsmith.

Wayne Roberts

Chasing Hurricanes

A book tracks the destructive and beneficent power of the winds.

Kevin Patterson

Orpheus Revisited

This eccentric experimental novel goes a little too far with the flow.

Antanas Sileika

A Canadian Tragedy

A novel about the Air India disaster personalizes one of the 20th century’s most horrific terrorist events.

Ian Mulgrew

Skeleton in Jackboots?

An intellectual historian makes sense of Young Trudeau’s “shocking” papers.

John Hellman

Greening The Campus

Shouldn’t our universities be models of smart sustainability?

Lorna R. Marsden

An MD’s Feelings

An unusual medical memoir helps patients experience their doctors’ vulnerabilities.

Keith Oatley

Hidden Genius

A gifted Chilean pianist added pure gold to the Canadian music scene.

Ken Winters

Will The Real Empire State Building Please Stand Up?

A Canadian critic deconstructs an American icon.

Ken Greenberg

Whiskey Sour

A great family saga full of booze, ambition … and shame.

Joel Yanofsky