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Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

A Homegrown Morality Tale

Books on Conrad Black mostly have him tried and sentenced before his day in court.

Madelaine Drohan

Wrong Way: The Fall of Conrad Black

Jacquie McNish and Sinclair Stewart

Viking Canada

288 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 0670045365

Here Be Dragons: Telling Tales of People, Passion and Power

Peter C. Newman

McClelland and Stewart

416 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 0771067925

Shades of Black: Conrad Black—His Rise and Fall

Richard Siklos

McClelland and Stewart

528 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 0771080719

Lord Black: The Biography

George Tombs

BT Publishing Inc.

336 pages, hardcover

ISBN: 0973549106

Madelaine Drohan is Canada correspondent for The Economist and author of Does Serious Journalism Have a Future in Canada?, a report written when she was a 2015 Prime Ministers of Canada fellow at the Public Policy Forum.

