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From the archives

A Noble Departure

The lost art of standing down

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

American or British Liberty?

A new book places Canada’s famous rebellions in a meaningful context.

Philip Resnick

Philip Resnick is a political scientist, long associated with the University of British Columbia. He has published widely on political topics, books such as Letters to a Québécois Friend (McGill Queen’s University Press, 1990), The Masks of Proteus: Canadian Reflections on the State (McGill Queen’s University Press, 1990), Twenty-First Century Democracy (McGill Queen’s University Press, 1997), The European Roots of Canadian Identity (Broadview Press, 2005) and The Labyrinth of North American Identities (University of Toronto Press, 2012). As a poet, he authored a number of collections in the 1970s and ’80s, primarily on Greek-rooted themes. His most recent collection of poems, Footsteps of the Past, was published in September 2015 by Ronsdale Press.

