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From the archives

Power Down

Is this the twilight’s last gleaming?

Who Controls North America?

Today, even the U.S. government is just one of many players

The End of the End

Revisiting a famous declaration

Instructions to a Speaker

Joanna M. Weston has published poetry, reviews and short stories in anthologies and journals for 25 years. Her middle-reader, Those Blue Shoes, was published by Clarity House Press in 2006, the same year that Frontenac House of Calgary published A Summer Father, a collection of poetry. She is currently reading Bruce H. Lipton’s The Biology of Belief and John Burnside’s A Summer of Drowning, having just finished William Golding’s Rites of Passage, Sister Dang Nghiem’s Healing: A Woman’s Journey from Doctor to Nun and Penelope Fitzgerald’s Offshore.

Related Letters and Responses

David MacDonald Guelph, Ontario

Joyce Janzen Nanaimo, BC

Jim Miller Saskatoon

