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From the archives

When Terror Came to Canada

The response to the FLQ crisis remains controversial five decades later

A Neglected Pledge

Moving beyond apologies

The Nobel of Numbers

How a Hamilton native played mathematical peacemaker after World War One

Reduced echo study in 5 parts

R. Kolewe lives in Toronto. His work has appeared online at ditch, e-ratio, (parenthetical) and The Puritan. His first book, Afterletters, was published by BookThug in 2014. A new book, Inspecting Nostalgia, is forthcoming from Talon Books in 2017. He is currently in the middle of reading Liz Howard’s Infinite Citizen of the Shaking Tent, Hee-Jin Kim’s Eihei Dōgen: Mystical Realist, Nathanaël’s The Middle Notebookes, Ada Palmer’s Too Like the Lightning and Fred Wah’s Scree: The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991.

