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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

The Sins of the Abbé Groulx

“L’anti-sémitisme, non seulement n'est pas une solution chrétienne; c'est une solution négative et niaise."("Antisemitism is not only an un-Christian solution; it is a negative and stupid solution.")—Lionel Groulx, Action national, 1933


In 1969 Ramsay Cook published an anthology entitled French-Canadian Nationalism. He wanted to provide, in his own words, “an opportunity to understand the complex minds and emotions of French-Canadians as they debate the question that has been central to their entire history … la survivance.” In the introduction Cook explains that some of the pieces may appear long, but he wanted all the authors to be able to present their thought “in its integrity.” Indeed, of the 24 contributors, only two individuals were significant enough to have two contributions each.

Amongst this very impressive gallery of interpretation and exposition of...

Gary Caldwell is an author and the editor of numberous collections, including Juifs et réalités juives au Quebec (Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture) (with Pierre Anctil). His book La Question du Québec Anglais was published by the Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture in 1994. He lives in Ste-Edwige, Quebec.

