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Jean Marc Ah-Sen

Jean Marc Ah-Sen wrote the novels Grand Menteur and In the Beggarly Style of Imitation.

Articles by
Jean Marc Ah-Sen

Sega Genesis

The sound of Mauritius April 2024
In 2020, I decided to stop writing about my family’s homeland of Mauritius. After publishing two books on the African nation, located 1,100 kilometres east of Madagascar, I arrived at the opinion that I’d exhausted the subject with some descriptive competence. The idea that I might be forever associated with parochial island niceties held zero…

Twitter Fingers

Vivek Shraya’s new novel November 2020
C harting the friendship-cum-rivalry between two Toronto musicians, Vivek Shraya’s second novel, The Subtweet, offers a pop parable about the diverse ways relationships are mediated by politics and technology. Rukmini, a transgender writer at an arts magazine, idolizes the experimental musician Neela Devaki but is seeking validation of her own musical efforts through their burgeoning…