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From the archives

That Ever Governed Frenzy

Through the eyes of Jody Wilson-Raybould and Michael Wernick

Rumble on Parliament Hill

In the ring with Justin Trudeau

Return of the Robber Barons

Chrystia Freeland asks if we can tell “makers” from “takers” among the new super-rich

Jean Marc Ah-Sen

Jean Marc Ah-Sen wrote the novels Grand Menteur and In the Beggarly Style of Imitation.

Articles by
Jean Marc Ah-Sen

Sega Genesis

The sound of Mauritius April 2024
In 2020, I decided to stop writing about my family’s homeland of Mauritius. After publishing two books on the African nation, located 1,100 kilometres east of Madagascar, I arrived at the opinion that I’d exhausted the subject with some descriptive competence. The idea that I might be forever associated with parochial island niceties held zero…

Twitter Fingers

Vivek Shraya’s new novel November 2020
C harting the friendship-cum-rivalry between two Toronto musicians, Vivek Shraya’s second novel, The Subtweet, offers a pop parable about the diverse ways relationships are mediated by politics and technology. Rukmini, a transgender writer at an arts magazine, idolizes the experimental musician Neela Devaki but is seeking validation of her own musical efforts through their burgeoning…