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This Is America

A promissory note not yet paid

Campaign Literature

Displaying Trudeau's charm and empathy—which might not be enough

Kelly S. Thompson

Kelly S. Thompson is the author of Girls Need Not Apply: Field Notes from the Forces, a recent Globe and Mail bestseller.

Articles by
Kelly S. Thompson

Word Processing

Sisterhood and loss June 2023
When I was little, unable to touch type but keen to look as if I could, I’d smack wildly at the keyboard of our family computer, littering the screen with nonsense. That’s how it felt working on the first chapters of my second memoir. I wrote while only half conscious from exhaustion, my mind a gaping…

Quick, Clever, and Ready

Who you gonna call? September 2022
Imagine hiding under the stairs as glass panes rattle in their frames, walls are pelted with hail, and debris swirls in the air. And then the tornado passes, leaving behind a trail of devastation, which will spur emergency management professionals to begin the complicated work of ensuring your community’s safety. Response to an emergency — be it a…


Was the world ready for a book like this? May 2020
Writing memoir is scary. It is even more terrifying than joining the Canadian Armed Forces, which I did in 2003. I always knew I would write about my military career, aware that it wouldn’t be a tale of comradeship and belonging like many of the military memoirs I cherished, because they had all been written by…

A Fair Hearing

Lessons from Robyn Doolittle’s new book December 2019
Turn on the television, scroll through social media feeds, or pick up a newspaper and you’ll find stories connected to the #MeToo movement. It started in October 2017, when revelations of survived sexual assault and harassment exploded all over the media, using the now-popular hashtag. The rest is not history but, rather, the creation of…