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Murray Brewster

Murray Brewster is a senior defence writer for CBC News, where he covers the Canadian military and foreign policy from Parliament Hill.

Articles by
Murray Brewster

Homeward Bound

Live from the dog’s house May 2021
I would rather train a striped zebra to balance an Indian club than induce a dachshund to heed my slightest command.— E. B. White, November 1940 Without exception, it was the strangest — yet, upon reflection, the most heartwarming — introduction I had ever received in all my years of public speaking. A very dear friend had asked if I would do her a solid by talking to corporate communications…

Our Forgotten War

Have we already lost sight of Afghanistan? January | February 2020
Wars are not easy to explain, let alone understand. They rarely have been throughout history, and they are even less so today. Periodic spasms of violence — the brush fire wars beyond our shores that increasingly crowd our screens — have become more indecipherable than the conflicts our fathers, mothers, grandfathers, and grandmothers faced. Most people simply graze their…

In the Company of War

Portraits from behind the lens of conflict photography January | February 2019
There were times when Anthony Feinstein would scare the hell out of me. I was worried he had some sort of X-ray vision. We would sit together on panels discussing war journalism, and my fear was that he would see right through me and judge the cumulative effect of my experiences covering combat. Such was the power of his unobtrusive gaze…