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Pearl Eliadis

Pearl Eliadis is an award-winning lawyer. She teaches at McGill University’s Max Bell School of Public Policy and Faculty of Law.

Articles by
Pearl Eliadis

So to Speak

Canadian free expression is not American free speech March 2025
In an influential article from 1991, the legal philosopher Joseph Raz called free expression “a liberal puzzle” that we prize for mysterious reasons. If recent developments, including elections in the United States, are anything to go by, things have become less liberal and more puzzling. Cue some fundamental legal and social differences between Canada and the…

One Hundred Days

How to explain a genocide May 2022
What we tend to think of as the Rwandan narrative has been informed by the events of the 1994 genocide, of course, as well as by subsequent popular media and literary treatments, especially Roméo Dallaire’s anguished memoir Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda, from 2003. Much of what we understand to have happened between the Hutu-led Rwandan Armed Forces and the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Army has been the product of necessary “processing”— about an unthinkable crime against…

Over Time

Still at work on the sticky floor July | August 2021
Equality in the workplace received a considerable boost from the fizzy promises of feminism in the 1960s, but the next few decades were still turbulent for many professional women, because there weren’t enough of us to form a critical mass in the professions — including the major law, accounting, and consulting firms. There were, however, enough of us to be…

All That Glitters

What corporate social responsibility is not November 2019
As John Lennon put it, imagine there’s no countries. Well, not no countries, exactly, but perhaps only facsimiles of states that bargain away bits of their sovereignty to international global governance actors, including transnational corporations. In exchange, they harvest revenues and, hopefully, the sustained wealth generated by activities like exploration, mining, and drilling on their…