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Renée Sarojini Saklikar

Renée Sarojini Saklikar writes thecanadaproject, a life-long poem chronicle that includes poetry, fiction and essays. Work from thecanadaproject appears in literary journals, newspapers and anthologies, including The Vancouver Review, Geist, Poetry Is Dead, SubTerrain and the Georgia Straight. The first completed series from thecanadaproject is a book-length poem, children of air india (Nightwood Editions, 2013) about the bombing of Air India Flight 182.

Articles by
Renée Sarojini Saklikar


March 2014
  Dear Cousin, these moments of inscription   accept as memorial, shards stranded   numbering on the line of days: 10226.8, 1985–2013 always reoccurring, June is   ritual all around us   digital: age of staccato, already the epistolary is cliché: everyone addresses someone, these letters remain un- sent   testimony that space between tear                                           and terror…