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Warren Kinsella

Warren Kinsella blogs at and is the National Post’s media columnist.

Articles by
Warren Kinsella

Pages from the Conservative Handbook

A Liberal strategist reveals a Conservative’s secrets. January–February 2008
Growing up in Calgary, and attending the University of Calgary as I did, I can state that Professor Tom Flanagan was regarded on campus as a cool, cerebral teacher of political science, and not one to be trifled with. He was not, for example, the sort of fellow who would tolerate intellectual laziness or too many papers handed in…

The Rise of the Pyjamahadeen

Who says blogging in your parents’ basement is unhealthy? September 2007
Since I am an inmate of what Michael Keren calls “blogosphere” in his book of the same name—those of us therein call it “the” blogosphere, but Keren disdains definite articles, among many other things—I was a natural candidate to approach for a review of this 165-page, um, book. After all, like all residents of the…