April 2007

The Inner Frye
The notebooks reveal a passionate and endearing side to Canada’s great literary critic.
Bob RodgersIraq and the Future of the United Nations
Is the 2003 split in the Security Council leading to the disintegration of a multilateral world order?
Edward C. LuckSearching for Race-Neutral Ground
An author declares the equality hopes of the Charter a promise not met.
Denise ChongReferendum? What Referendum?
A constitutional expert argues that the federal insistence on clarity has paid off.
Sujit ChoudhryHeroic Measures
How a small group of dedicated activists saved some of Europe’s greatest artists from the Nazis.
Bernice EisensteinThe View from Alice Munro
With canny lies and family truths, a fiction writer mines her own life
Margaret-Ann Fitzpatrick-HanlyAllergic to Dirty Politics
Is the 2003 split in the Security Council leading to the disintegration of a multilateral world order?
Rosemary SpeirsA Place with Pizzazz
How an ethnic enclave morphed into a trend-setting neighbourhood
Kenneth BagnellAn Intriguing But Incomplete Picture
A Canadian book reduces Iranian politics to religious infighting.
Saeed RahnemaShadow Dancing with the Americans
The hitherto untold story of 60 Mohawk paddlers and the siege of Khartoum.
Desmond Morton