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From the archives

To Nie Kanada

Our country through the eyes of others

Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons

Suffragists and their descendants

Past Imperfect

J. L. Granatstein’s prescient warning

Back Issues

April 2013

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Ethan Rilly. Ethan Rilly is a Montreal-based cartoonist and illustrator. His comic book, Pope Hats, was the winner of the 2012 Doug Wright Spotlight Award. His work has appeared in Maisonneuve, Taddle Creek, Nobrow and Canadian Notes & Queries.

Dancing with the Dragon

As China surges to new heights, can Canada keep step?

Paul Evans

Ideas under Glass

As museums turn from artifacts to stories, cultural tensions arise

Kate Taylor

“Spy, Russians, Secrets, Sold”

In the Jeffrey Delisle affair, one thing is certain: baffling incompetence on all sides

Wesley Wark

Genes That Never Fade

Why are we so mesmerized by digging up ancient family history?

Susan Crean

Home Invasion

In the end, modern North America’s story comes down to stolen land

John Burns

Pioneering Anthropology

A New Zealander opened the door to aboriginal studies in Canada

Robin Fisher

Northwest Passage Hold ’Em

For an Arctic sovereignty win, Canada needs to honour its treaty with Nunavut’s Inuit

Terry Fenge

Tobacco Blowback

How colonial trade turned a sacred plant into a toxic threat

Ikechi Mgbeoji

When People Seem Most Alive

Stories set in the crux of life and death

Merilyn Simonds

It's Not Easy Being Undead

The travails of a Toronto zombie

David Penhale

Beverley Baxter in Empireland

A Canadian columnist beat the British drum, at Lord Beaverbrook’s behest

Ramsay Cook

The Nobel of Numbers

How a Hamilton native played mathematical peacemaker after World War One

Douglas Wright

Magic Spheres

The forgotten art of reckoning the heavens

Florin Diacu

Does Good Policy Make Good Neighbours?

Without consistent rules, some voices get more attention than others

Michael Valpy