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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

December 2007

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Kevin Sylvester Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator and broadcaster who lives in Toronto. His children’s book Sports Hall of Weird was named a Silver Birch Honour book in 2006. The sequel, Gold Medal for Weird, has just been published. If you would like to hire him, his website is

Promoting Democracy Abroad

Is it the right time for Canada to take on this file?

Jennifer Welsh

Campus Navel Gazing

Two insider books ponder the future of the university

Alex Usher

Great Disappointments

Ten LRC contributors warn of “classic” books with over-sized reputations.

A.F. Moritz

Out, Damned Spot!

Concern with personal hygiene is a movable obsession.

Margaret Horsfield

A Fierce Determination for Redemption

Vindictiveness mars a fine political chronicle

Lloyd Axworthy

A Satisfying Read

Canadians have gotten their money’s worth from Mulroney, then and now.

Barbara McDougall

The Would-Be Transformer

A portrait of Mulroney as a man whose ambitions exceeded his abilities.

Anthony Westell

Monumental or Vainglorious?

An examination of the Mormon attempt to catalogue the human race

Salem Alaton

A Culture Builder

A lively memoir revisits the birth of the Royal Ontario Museum.

Dennis Duffy

Explosive Justice

A fictional exploration of Zundel and zealotry.

Tomasz Mrozewski

The Novel as Matryoshka Doll

A story within a story about a Russian bride for a Canadian boy.

Larry Krotz

Assault on a Bibliophile’s Brain

A rare condition attacks—but doesn’t defeat—a popular mystery writer.

Keath Fraser

A Canadian Visionary

A new book digs into the influences on Grant’s thought.