Back Issues
December 2007

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Kevin Sylvester
Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator and broadcaster who lives in Toronto. His children’s book Sports Hall of Weird was named a Silver Birch Honour book in 2006. The sequel, Gold Medal for Weird, has just been published. If you would like to hire him, his website is
Great Disappointments
Ten LRC contributors warn of “classic” books with over-sized reputations.
A.F. MoritzA Satisfying Read
Canadians have gotten their money’s worth from Mulroney, then and now.
Barbara McDougallThe Would-Be Transformer
A portrait of Mulroney as a man whose ambitions exceeded his abilities.
Anthony WestellMonumental or Vainglorious?
An examination of the Mormon attempt to catalogue the human race
Salem AlatonThe Novel as Matryoshka Doll
A story within a story about a Russian bride for a Canadian boy.
Larry KrotzAssault on a Bibliophile’s Brain
A rare condition attacks—but doesn’t defeat—a popular mystery writer.
Keath Fraser