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Puppeteering and Electioneering

A look back on the 2021 campaign


A prime minister in the making

The Shill of the People

Those loudest voices among us

Back Issues

July–August 2006

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Lorenz Peter Lorenz Peter is a comic artist living in Toronto. He has two graphic novels published by Pedlar Press and his work has appeared in numerous underground and cult magazines since 1993. Visit or contact

“So Deep, So Vicious, So Brutal”

The scourge of Canadian racial profiling is documented in a new book.

Royson James

Prophets of an Unknown Future

Two Canadian writers peer over the edge and return with compelling stories.

Alanna Mitchell

TV “R” Us

Snobbery about television ignores its emotional power.

John Doyle

Referencing Canadian Lives

A great work now contains biographies from 1000 to 1930.

Fraser Sutherland

Publisher, Poetry Lover, Pilot

Canada's multi-tasking Scott Griffin puts readers in the co-pilot seat of his Cessna 180.

Living by the Polls

How government uses our opinions to sell us policies.

Christopher Waddell

Searching for Self

Two novels consider the blessings and the burdens of knowing who you are.

Patricia Pearson

Nudge, Wink ... and Yawn

An ambitious historical novel struggles to bring Swift’s muse to life.

Keith Wilson

Pot Pourri

Will the marijuana debate ever be resolved in this country?

Philip Slayton

Women and the West

The Mounties, cowboys and Indian chiefs need to move to one side.

Katherine Govier

The Forbidden Experiment

A new history of wild children holds the experts to blame

Rebecca Saxe

Let Me Tell You My Life

One Canadian publisher focuses on “life writing” as a serious academic genre.

Carolyne Van Der Meer