June 2006

Beyond Shame and Outrage
Michael Ignatieff and the new intellectual barbarism of America.
Timothy BrennanDeath and Diamonds
An African journalist-turned-academic tries to make sense of the chaos that enveloped Sierra Leone.
Suanne KelmanMaking Connections
We created Canada by imposing ourselves on nature, not by contemplating it.
Dennis DuffyJazz in Strange Places
An accomplished writer goes on the road with the underdogs of the music world.
Paul WellsBorn-Again Bilingualism
An anglo journalist charts the ups and downs of Canada’s most contentious public policy.
Lowell MurrayAstronomical Talent
Halley’s Comet inspires a time-bending, heart-stopping tour de force.
Graham HarleyScientist, Activist or TV Star?
In his second attempt at charting his own life, Suzuki remains frustratingly out of reach.
Peter DesbaratsNAMU and the Neoliberals
Politics and history help explain Canada’s resistance to monetary union with the United States.
David LaidlerLiving under the Radar
A gifted chronicler walks Toronto’s streets and keeps his eyes open.
Lawrence Hill“Whatever Happened to Canada?”
The world sees a lack of leadership in Canadian foreign policy.
David N. BietteThe Wal-Mart-ization of Wheat
Will developing countries buy Canadian genetically modified wheat if the price is right?
Ingeborg BoyensScientist of the Human Heart
Atwood’s disconcerting strength comes from relentless observation and dissection.
Elspeth Cameron