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March 2009

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Tom Pokinko. Tom Pokinko is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Montreal. His clients include the United Nations Association in Canada, Maisonneuve Magazine, The Progressive and various Canadian universities. His work can be viewed at Tom is also pursuing a PhD at McGill University.

The New Canadian Establishment

How will life change when the West takes over?

Peter C. Newman

Anyone for Deficits?

A short history of the D-word in Canada’s development.

Timothy Lewis

Dying in Hell

Canada’s Great War comes alive on film and in print

Jack Mitchell

George Grant and the Jews

A colleague accuses the nationalist icon of anti-Semitism.

Ramsay Cook

The Legless Castaway

One of Nova Scotia’s most enduring puzzles, speculatively retold.

Noah Richler

Blowing the Whistle

Two academics take on the Canadian elites who profit from aboriginal poverty.

Robert McGhee

Violence and Beauty

Tender insight makes this tale of family cruelty bearable.

Between Two Worlds

Manitoba and Lancashire are the poles in a tale of rupture and recovery.

Erika Ritter

Canada's Global Choices

Do we embrace the new world order or stick with Washington?

David Crane

A Stoppage of the Light

Recollections of a keen observer’s summer in a cemetery.

Joe Fiorito

Arcadia in Peril

Defending idyllic rural communities takes more than a sense of place.

Paul Wilson

Making a Multiversity

Two books evoke York University’s unique and turbulent past.

Paul Stortz

A Happy Marriage of Convenience

The Quebec-Canada relationship works because of luck and pragmatism.

Philip Resnick