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May 2007

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Kevin Sylvester Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator and broadcaster who lives in Toronto. His children’s book Sports Hall of Weird was named a Silver Birch Honour book in 2006. The sequel, Gold Medal for Weird, is due out this fall. His spoof of the 1972 Summit Series, Shadrin Has Scored for Russia, is available from him directly at

All in the Family

Move over, Da Vinci Code: New Jesus theories abound.

Michael Enright

Doomsday Always Sells

A military expert tells tall tales to hook readers on foreign policy.

Anthony Westell

Hiyo, Flicka!

A canter through equine history with a rancher’s grandson.

Sid Marty

My Father’s Books

Dealing with a dead parent’s library is a charged, emotional experience.

William Watson

One-Note History

Religion is just one of many factors that lead humankind to war

Thabit A.J. Abdullah

Canada: A Workers’ Paradise?

That depends which side of the Canada-U.S. border you’re standing on.

Mark Leier

Gobsmacked by the Writing

But should historical fiction depend so completely on verisimilitude?

Ray Conlogue

A Royal Farce

A satire envisions Canada with a native son as King.

Andrew Clark

Brilliance and Arrogance

One of “the best and the brightest” goes under the microscope.

David A. Welch

A Linguistic Treasure Box

Exploring the amazing absorptive capacity of the English language.

Warren Clements

Bankrolling an Empire

How a collection of families from Portugal kept the Hapsburgs afloat.

Afua Cooper

Challenging Robert Putnam

How do we create a just society as well as a participatory one?

Tim Brodhead

The Watchdog of Psychoanalysis

The Toronto connections of Ernest Jones are explored in a new biography.

Cyril Greenland

A Window or a Mirror?

A new book produces startling ideas about the future of Canadian television

Trina McQueen