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From the archives

To Nie Kanada

Our country through the eyes of others

Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons

Suffragists and their descendants

Past Imperfect

J. L. Granatstein’s prescient warning

Back Issues

May 2015

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Jeff Kulak. Jeff Kulak is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Montreal. Past clients include the National Post, The Walrus, Owlkids Books and the Art Directors Club NYC.

Arts Advantage

Why enrolling in the liberal arts is smarter than you think

Adam Chapnick

Paper Pusher

Has the death of newsprint been overstated?

Christopher Waddell

Green Eyes

Does jealousy have a redeeming upside?

Suanne Kelman

Trading Fair

The slippery slope of industry self-regulation.

Joseph Heath

Horror Undimmed

A feminist scholar investigates the place of the Montreal massacre in our collective memory

Joan Sangster

Short Skirts and Water Cures

An intimate look at the unconventional life of a 19th-century trailblazer

Linda Kay


How planting cacao trees in Indonesia changed life forever.

Larry Krotz

Born to Leave

For generations, migration has been a Chinese way of life

David Layton

Impossible Journey

In Martha Baillie’s novel, a German photographer looks for Nature freed from history.

Jamie Zeppa

Hugh Made Me Love You

Marina Endicott’s comedy of small-town manners is told in many voices

Jack Kirchhoff

The Freedom of Alzheimer’s

A daughter discovers the surprising joy of dementia.

Janet Hepburn

Talk Therapy

A memoir of psychoanalysis reveals its transformative power.

Kwame McKenzie

Emblems of Adversity

How the Poles and the Jews are memorializing their troubled past

Michael R. Marrus

Broken Promised Land

A place where homosexuality is legal but still unsafe and scorned

Ian Smillie