Back Issues
November 2015

Hannah Wilson
Hannah Wilson is a graduate of Sheridan’s illustration program, working and walking her dog in Kingsville, Ontario. To view more of her work, visit
Tales from the Beat
Two memoirs give a glimpse into the lives of women police officers.
Frances LankinA Question of Bias
An early attempt to put Canada’s book review culture under a critical lens
Margaret AtwoodNever to Forget
A new look at the lingering legacy of Newfoundland’s climb to prosperity
Jeffrey F. Collins“Not a Lawless People”
Re-implementing the silenced legal tradition of the Cree Nation.
Catherine Murton StoehrAttawapiskat versus Ottawa
How a students’ campaign on an isolated reserve overcame years of official neglect
Christopher MooreDip ’n’ Dunk
An award-winning graphic novel celebrates chemical photobooths and their legacy
Kenton SmithVictims of Geology
Don Gillmor’s unhappy fictional hero rides the boom and bust cycles of the oil patch
Diane GuichonDecline and Fall of a Tough Guy
Virility and violence are at the centre of Nino Ricci’s new novel.
Norman Snider