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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

September 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Tom Pokinko. Tom Pokinko is a freelance designer, illustrator and full-time doctoral student in Indian religion and philosophy at McGill University. His graphic design and illustration work can be seen at

Progressivism’s End

In Obama, both Americans and Canadians can see the promise of something new

David Eaves and Taylor Owen

Political Islam Versus Secularism

A new book sparks a heated debate between Muslims of different schools

Nader Hashemi

The Dove Is Never Free

Relief agencies struggle with confused focus and political co-optation

Ian Smillie

A Steady Eye

David Levine has captured the artistic and political greats of his era with nothing but a pencil

Brian Gable

The Noisy Christian Right

In this country, it seems, we really do like our religion kept private

Michael Valpy

Green Menace

Suffocating the oceans could be deadly for the earth.

Alanna Mitchell

The Innu and the Jesuit

A brilliant short biography captures the pioneer of the independence movement.

Jacques Monet

One and a Half Cheers

Should we try other solutions before plumping for voting reforms?

Duff Conacher

Circling the Crime

A novel studies what reverberates around the darkest deed.

Cathy Stonehouse

A Living Past and a Complex Present

Linking 1607 with 2007 is a tall order for fiction.

Erika Ritter

Remembering a Magus

Oral biography has its limits, even for a gifted journalist.

Noah Richler

Fine-Tuning Trade

An international commission does some serious detail work.

Rohinton Medhora

American Distractions

Canada’s best hope for change lies in our own traditions.

John Robson

Positive-Sum Politics

Beyond entrenched divisions in the United States and Canada.

Andrew Ng