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From the archives

Operative Words

Behind the campaign curtain

Snuffed Torch

Can the Olympic myth survive?

Lax Americana

What happens if Donald Trump returns to the White House?

Silent for the Dry Season


So little noise here; sound

becomes a feeling. My own blood

a humming constant.


I sit by a rock-edged streambed, silent

for the dry season.


In the distance, Pika Creek

hisses like rain.


The mist slows.


Up on the western ridgetop

a slight whisper of motion,


like the ssshhhh

of breeze through treetops,


in this place where there are no trees.


Elena Johnson’s poetry has been nominated for the CBC Literary Awards and the Alfred G. Bailey Poetry Prize. Her work has been published in journals across Canada, as well as in four anthologies. “Silent for the Dry Season” is from her book, Field Notes for the Alpine Tundra, which was published by Gaspereau spring 2015 and was written and researched while she was writer-in-residence at a remote ecology research station in the Yukon’s Ruby Range.

