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This Is America

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Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

You Too

Selling men on gender equality

Kate Heron

The Time Has Come: Why Men Must Join the Gender Equality Revolution

Michael Kaufman

House of Anansi Press

272 pages, softcover and ebook

ISBN: 9781487006532

International Women’s Day, which we celebrate this month, has grown exhausting to watch unfold on social media. Corporations love displaying coordinated woke-ness but often just go through the motions of reflexively copying and pasting a trending hashtag, as if someone knocked them on the knee with a hammer. Take March 8, 2017, as an example. The theme of #IWD (as it’s now affectionately called) was “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50‑50 by 2030.” In his official message, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres prodded at the glass ceiling, reminding the world that “leadership positions across the board are still held by men,” and rightly blamed “outdated attitudes and entrenched male chauvinism.”

Public figures and brands of all kinds quickly scrambled to align themselves as right-minded and progressive. Social media channels churned endlessly — Twitter actually assigns cute hashtag icons to social justice holidays — and before I’d even...

Kate Heron is a corporate communications professional living in Toronto.

