January–February 2012

Does the Past Have a Future?
It turns out history can be spelled many different ways
Kenneth C. DewarWaves of Contempt
What could have been a brilliant legal critique descends into score settling
Philip SlaytonThe Pierre We Hardly Knew
A major new biography sets the record straight on Trudeau's "idle" years
Daniel PoliquinLove and Marriage Canadian-Style
A trove of letters provides a glimpse into early 20th-century love and courtship
Elizabeth AbbottThe Ties that Bind
Rational policy alone can't hold communities together, or make them good
Leah BradshawA Very Modern Pandemic
Railways, colonial policy, the blood trade and their unintended consequences
David Waltner-ToewsUp in the Air
Diplomatic thinkers seem oddly hesitant about Canada’s role in a wired world
John BellHeroism and Villainy
Revisiting the Great Expulsion — even as Acadians question its relevance
Jacques PoitrasFull Steam Ahead?
In moving toward a clean energy future, unbridled optimism has its pitfalls
Mark JaccardThe Collapse of the Laurentian Consensus
On the westward shift of Canadian power and values
John IbbitsonWriters in Exile: What Shuts Them Up?
Authors fleeing persecution today are haunted not just by memories, but the ongoing threat of reprisal
Aaron Berhane