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Anne Marie Todkill

Anne Marie Todkill is a writer and editor in Ottawa. In 2016 she received the Malahat Review’s novella prize.

Articles by
Anne Marie Todkill

Shadow Stories

Mother issues 40,000 years ago, and now May 2017
A small family, circa 38,000 BCE, sleeps on a shared bed of bison hides and pine boughs. The family is “warm,” which in their rudimentary but allusive language connotes family, safety and comfort. “When they slept, they were the body of the family. That is how they thought of themselves together, as one body that lived and breathed.” The daughter in the…

Less Crazy Than You’d Think

The Fenians’ quirky place in Canadian confederation November 2013
To anyone who accepts the canard that Canadian history is dull, the subject of Keith Henderson’s third novel—the role of the Fenian raids of the mid 1860s in cementing the cause of Confederation—may seem unpromising. So let’s begin with one of the pithiest summaries of the matter in The Roof Walkers: If everybody and his Aunt Sally are scared to death of…

Feral City

Urban dwellers meet wildlife in a curious sanctuary. December 2010