Back Issues
July–August 2011

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Wes Tyrell.
Wes Tyrell is a Toronto-based illustrator and cartoonist. He can be reached at
Free-Fall Employment
The definition of a full-time job is changing radically in Canada.
Rachel PulferWhy Fiction is Good for You
Forget moral edification: psychological research shows literature’s mind-altering effects.
Keith OatleyThe Rights of Refugees
What Europe’s problems can teach Canada about a growing international concern
Doug SaundersCourting Controversy
An Alberta judge recalls his battles with First Nations, his legal colleagues and the media.
Pamela D. PalmaterThe Big One
Credible new studies show that British Columbia may be in for the continent’s worst megadisaster
Florin DiacuThree Provinces, Three Cultures
How did Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta turn out so differently?
Jim Coutts