June 2007

The Explanation We Never Heard
Six months after attending a controversial Tehran conference, a Canadian professor charges the media and his own university with ignorance and intolerance
Shiraz DossaPOW! BLAM! ZOWIE! eh?
A new book unearths the hidden curiosities of Canadian comic book art
Jeet HeerNo Financial Cachet
Why are Canadians so unwilling to compete for the big pie of world trade?
Andrew AllentuckThe Meeting of the Twain
A scholar of eastern and western cultures proposes a new way of seeing each other.
Hua LiThe Call of the Dispossessed
Can land claims in Canada and South Africa be legitimately compared?
Philip SlaytonThe Medical Sonata
The hunt continues for diagnostic clues to Beethoven’s gifts and griefs.
Michael A. HutcheonWhat’s Happening to Socialism
Has identity politics perhaps replaced old-style socialist politics for good?
Philip Resnick