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June 2012

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Oleg Portnoy Oleg Portnoy is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer from Toronto. His illustration work has received recognition from American Illustration, Society of Illustrators West, 3X3 Illustration, CMYK Magazine and Creative Quarterly.

Beyond War and Peacekeeping

With armed conflict in steady decline, the usual debates over Canada’s military seem increasingly dated

Jennifer Welsh

Van Gogh’s Bastards

Celebration of his work—and life—reflects our age’s guiding obsession

Andrew Potter

King Richard’s Lament

He did his best, maintains the former CBC head, but the whole world was against him

Suanne Kelman

Lester Pearson on Trial

A polemical attack on the “ardent Cold Warrior”

Christopher Dummitt

“Dear Sir or Madam...”

A Faulknerian take on oil, revenge and email scams, from Calgary to Lagos

David Penhale

Keeping Party Leaders Honest

Canadians do it differently from most—and quite possibly not as well

Christopher Moore

Avant Gardeners Awake!

Food systems affect everything from pollution to mental health

Wayne Roberts

A Silver-Tongued Orator

Independent thinking and a quick wit marked Forsey as unique

Peter Milliken

When Catastrophe Runs in the Family

What consolations remain, at the end of an award-winning Cape Breton trilogy

Robin Roger

Did Cabot Sail With Columbus?

An intriguing, speculative new work of popular history

Mark Starowicz

Tales of an Impresario

The memoirs of the man who got Canadian popular music up and running

Jason Schneider

The Inconvenient Crown

Two new books defend the uneasy state of the monarchy in Canada

Mark Lovewell