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June 2014

Illustrations by Shantala Robinson Shantala Robinson is an illustrator and graphic artist based in Vancouver. Her work has been published in several magazines and she participates in art shows in Canada. Her work can be found here.

On Treacherous Ground

The CBC once flourished by abandoning pop programming. Can it do that again?

Barry Kiefl

Rethinking the Great Depression

The unnecessary suffering caused by a federal political failure

Edward Whitcomb

Creating New Ghosts

Settlers in a strange land need their own ephemera, it seems

Yvette Nolan

Parliamentary Discontent

Many MPs leave politics disillusioned—but what does that really mean for our democracy?

Ken Dryden

Risky Driving

Why safer cars do not always mean safer roads

Patrick Luciani

Changing the Channel

How technology and economics have switched what news gets covered

Tony Burman

Caribbean Caper

A wild Dominican coup conspiracy, bred by the US obsession with Cuba

Stephen Kimber

Timeless Flight

Bird watching's extraordinary window into Nature

Bridget J.M. Stutchbury

The Science of Science

How do we know whether medical research really pays off?

Kwame McKenzie

Slavery, Jealousy and Ju-Ju

In her new novel, Audrey Thomas writes of a death on the Gold Coast

Sandra Djwa

Women on the Margins

A French-flavoured 19th-century murder mystery, based on a true story

Jack Kirchhoff

Fifth Business in the Art World

An unconventional collector, painter and photographer comes in from the cold

Judy Stoffman

The East Wants In

But casting the rest of Canada as villains isn’t the best way to equality

Matthew Mendelsohn

Top Dog at External

Portrait of a civil servant whose power would be inconceivable today

David M. Malone

The Blessed Tree

Tracing the roots of one of the world’s most fascinating fruits

Robin Ganev