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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

June 2016

Tyler Klein Longmire Tyler Klein Longmire is an animator, designer, illustrator and theatre maker in Calgary, Alberta. He is a founding member of the experimental performance collective Humble Wonder and the production coordinator at the Quickdraw Animation Society, an artist-run centre for independent animators. For more, visit

Skimming the Cream

The staggering rise of the one percent’s market share

George Fallis

The Arrow of Digital Disruption

It’s adapt or die in the new digital economy

Dan Dunsky

The Gates of La Francophonie

Mobilizing Quebec's Haitian diaspora

Emilie Nicolas

Defining Disability

The shifting benefits thresholds in Canada

Bruce Little

The Rock, in a Hard Place

Change in Newfoundland will come from the bottom up.

Jeffrey F. Collins

Not Wanted on the Voyage

Resettlement alone will not slow the flow of refugees

Hunter McGill

Negative Exposure

How a photographer helped demolish a neighbourhood.

James Roots

A History of Silence

Examining aboriginal deaths in prison.

Stevie Cameron

Hobby Horse

A perennial loser becomes one of horse racing’s biggest legends

Shelley Peterson

Faith and Loss Across the Generations

Yann Martel’s return to an abandoned novel

Miranda Newman

Music and Politics in China

Madeleine Thien has written her most ambitious work to date

Bronwyn Drainie

Plainclothes Diplomats

Inside the practices of track two diplomacy

John Bell

Political Cola Wars

Brand-centred parties ignore the voter at their peril

Clive Veroni