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"24 Sussex" by David Parkins.

Face Value

Content and cancellation

Kyle Wyatt

The Justice She Sought

Half-told tales of the Second World War

David Marks Shribman

Clock Watching

The nuclear threat lingers still

Joyce Wayne

Just Hand It Over?

The shifting foundations of charitable giving

Ian Smillie

Private Eyes

Who is watching the watchmen?

Amy Reiswig

Emission Impossible

On policies and persuasion

George Anderson

Schools of Thought

Canadian classrooms at cross-purposes

Michael Ledger-Lomas

A Developing Situation

Scenes of the first five waves

Mary Hunter

Woke This Morning

Plumbing the depths of a word

David Macfarlane

Tangled Influences

Jen Sookfong Lee can’t quit pop culture

Anna Maria Sordjan

Dancing through the Pain

Bereavement, vigilance, and hope

Ruth Jones

Le critique

Before the referendum came the reviews

Graham Fraser

Ceiling Fan

How the Sistine Chapel won her over

Dan Dunsky

Mover and Shaker

The Charles Darwin of geology

Michael Strizic

A Diasporic Voice

Lorna Goodison takes on the essay

Keith Garebian

Spring of ’78

A hippie’s meandering pilgrimage

Dave Hazzan

Still Blooming Every Summer

Fifteen love stories by Margaret Atwood

Shannon Hengen

Along the Underground Railroad

An astonishing debut by Kai Thomas

David Staines

Leaps of Faith

Stories by Harold Macy

Spencer Morrison

Moral Whirligig

A David Adams Richards mosaic

Michael W. Higgins

Byte-Sized Confessional

Monica Heisey’s trending debut

Richard Joseph

A Sharp Sweetness

Elizabeth Hay revisits a fictional world

Jo-Ann Wallace