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March 2007

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Wes Tyrell Wes Tyrell is a caricature artist and humorous illustrator. His works can be seen in a variety of publications, including The Globe and Mail and Maclean’s, as well as at

Conventional Wisdoms

The “natural governing party” goes through atavistic rituals to try to recapture its place in the sun.

Paul Wilson

Still Controversial, Sixty Years On

An Emily Carr biographer examines a new cross-Canada exhibition and its accompanying book of essays.

Maria Tippett

Red-Tinted Yiddish

How the USSR tried to Sovietize the Jews using their own language and traditions.

Michael Wex

Nuclear Sales and Service

With no new deals since 1996, AECL faces a challenging future

Murray Campbell

Diaspora Voices

Immigrant writers transform the literary scene.

Lewis DeSoto

The Kyoto Debate Continues

Two more writers weigh in on Canada’s climate change conundrum, and Mark Jaccard responds.

Richard Gilbert

Mixing Memory with Desire

Tales of Toronto past and present create a city of dreams.

Richard Cumyn

Pop Goes the Apocalypse

Rock music pushes a Holocaust refugee over the brink.

Norman Ravvin

The Oxford Don on the Potomac

The wait for Allan Gotlieb’s Washington diaries is worth it.

Suanne Kelman

Front-Row Seat in Moscow

The excitement and optimism of 15 years ago faded all too quickly.

Amy Knight

Transformations, Eh?

How we changed from British subjects to Canadian citizens in two short decades.

H.V. Nelles

Playing the Monument Game

A new book examines the Ozymandiases of the First British Empire.

Dennis Duffy

Demolishing a Stereotype

A new collection explores both the charms and irritations of childlessness.

Molly Peacock

Book Lover’s Paradise

Alberto Manguel meditates evocatively on the nature of libraries.