March 2007

Conventional Wisdoms
The “natural governing party” goes through atavistic rituals to try to recapture its place in the sun.
Paul WilsonStill Controversial, Sixty Years On
An Emily Carr biographer examines a new cross-Canada exhibition and its accompanying book of essays.
Maria TippettRed-Tinted Yiddish
How the USSR tried to Sovietize the Jews using their own language and traditions.
Michael WexNuclear Sales and Service
With no new deals since 1996, AECL faces a challenging future
Murray CampbellThe Kyoto Debate Continues
Two more writers weigh in on Canada’s climate change conundrum, and Mark Jaccard responds.
Richard GilbertThe Oxford Don on the Potomac
The wait for Allan Gotlieb’s Washington diaries is worth it.
Suanne KelmanFront-Row Seat in Moscow
The excitement and optimism of 15 years ago faded all too quickly.
Amy KnightTransformations, Eh?
How we changed from British subjects to Canadian citizens in two short decades.
H.V. NellesPlaying the Monument Game
A new book examines the Ozymandiases of the First British Empire.
Dennis DuffyDemolishing a Stereotype
A new collection explores both the charms and irritations of childlessness.
Molly Peacock