Back Issues
May 2017

J.S. Godfrey
J.S. Godfrey is a freelance illustrator based in Toronto. Find more from him at
Cultural Appropriation, Race & the Diversity-Industrial Complex
Are we really having the conversation we need to have about race and Indigenous Canada?
Sarmishta SubramanianHaunted by Weird Willie
The remarkable afterlife of our strangest PM—and what we want from politicians
Charlotte GrayNo Nudes, Please—We’re Canadian
Our national artistic fixation on landscapes came at a cost
Devon SmitherThe Outside Man
A celebrity memoir from a uniquely talented artist on the edge of fame, and Hollywood itself
John SemleyThe Post-Scarcity World
Capitalism meets its cyber-hippie match in a bountiful future that redefines class, politics and personhood itself
Navneet AlangGoode for All Infermitys
Accounting for tastes in a collection of 17th-century recipes and remedies
Eugenia ZuroskiAlone in a Room
An artist’s arresting vision of a life in captivity, and of how power shapes our world and our selves
Nicholas Köhler