Back Issues
November 2013

Illustrations by Miko Maciaszek
Miko Maciaszek is a Polish-born, Canadian-raised illustrator. He studied visual arts at Sheridan College and now focuses on book and editorial illustration. See <>.
The Computhor Cometh
When computers start writing their own books, who will be their readers?
Andrew PiperThe Globalized Great Lakes
An environmentalist charts the ruin—and possible revival—of the continent’s heart
Wayne GradyFocusing on the Small Picture
A new book looks at the communities that will be affected by the Northern Gateway pipeline
Kevin PattersonAn Archipelago in Prose
Voyaging from Newfoundland to Devil’s Island, and Melville to King Kong
Marq de VilliersWhen Politics Get Personal
How marketing savvy and behavioural research have reshaped elections
David M. Brock