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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

November 2014

Olivia Mew Olivia Mew is a Montreal-based illustrator who has worked with clients such as The Walrus, Chronicle Books and L’Oréal Canada. She spends most of her time running the apparel brand Stay Home Club and Instagramming photos of her cats.

I Wish This Changed Everything

Is a radical economic overhaul our best hope to save the climate?

Mark Jaccard

Unspeakable Terror

A brave victim charts her 20-year course of healing

Dr. Clare Pain

Only Disconnect

A new book chronicles one man’s struggle to get back inside his own head

Adam Hammond

Use Your Head

Neuroscientific lessons for navigating a world of distractions

Clive Thompson

Cross-Cultural Encounter

A Chinese-Canadian writer examines a Native school memoir

Judy Fong Bates

Une nouvelle belle époque?

Famous for showing a return to old inequities, Piketty found something else in Canada

George Fallis

Rainbow’s End

Charting the changes in queer urban life

John Lownsbrough

Exhibiting Ourselves

Curating’s shift from art specialty to digital pop shorthand

Adele Weder

Torment with Impunity

Bullying in cyberspace is dangerously easy

Kathleen McDonnell

Slinging English in Korea

Mark Sampson’s novel lays bare the high life of Canadian ESL teachers abroad

Tomasz Mrozewski

Fish Sauce and Maple Syrup

In this Montreal novel, a Vietnamese restaurant evokes a homeland

Lucy Waverman

Forgotten Nikolasha

Reviving a key figure from Russia’s Great War

David Schimmelpenninck van der Oye

Canada as Imperial Patsy

Would isolationism really have served us better in the last century?

Michael Cotey Morgan

Our Haunted Age

What happened five centuries ago to change us from communal creatures to lonely individuals?

Robert Joustra

In the Now

How deep breathing became a popular escape from the madding crowd

Keith Oatley

Do Three Things for Canada

From the LRC's Vital Ideas for Canada special editorial supplement

Naheed Nenshi