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From the archives

To Nie Kanada

Our country through the eyes of others

Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons

Suffragists and their descendants

Past Imperfect

J. L. Granatstein’s prescient warning

Back Issues

October 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Clarke MacDonald Clarke MacDonald is a designer and illustrator living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He is a founding partner in Moxi Creative, a virtual marketing agency, and is a part-time continuing studies instructor at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design.

History Does Matter

The future of the past in Atlantic Canada

Margaret Conrad

Control-Freak Kingdom

Is Canada becoming a de facto dictatorship?

Brian Flemming

Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief

New Brunswick's great patron comes in for some dark re-evaluation

Gregory P. Marchildon

An Outsider's Eye

Newfoundland culture as defined from without and within.

Noreen Golfman

The Year of Anne

What happens when exploitation goes way over the top

Jack MacAndrew

An Impossible Dream

Imagining a “new and better New York” on Nova Scotia’s rocky coast.

Robert MacNeil

Slow-Motion Disaster

Isolation and a tight-knit community caused men to risk their lives for a paycheque.

Dean Jobb

Avian Games

A novel about birds with hope for humans.

Beverley Stone

Casting a Light on Whiteness

Stories that use a colour and its meanings as a thematic link.

Joel Deshaye

George Parkin

A Maritimer who built a life on God, Oxford and empire.

Philip Slayton

The Crack Cocaine of Gambling

How electronic gaming is changing the culture of the Atlantic region.

Tim Bousquet

Cape Breton Ghost

The decline and fall of the French fort at Louisbourg.

Philip Girard

Back to the Seventies

Two American imports to Canada became renowned writers.

Spider Robinson