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September 2007

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Sylvia Nickerson Since graduating from art school in 2001, Sylvia Nickerson has designed books, illustrated for magazines, tutored mathematics, worked as an arts administrator in the Canadian book publishing industry and completed an M.A. in the history of science. Her illustrations have been published in The Coast, The New Quarterly, Carousel Magazine, The Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal, The Dominion and The Globe and Mail. To see more of her art go to

The Trial Coverage on Trial

Between the fawners and the tricoteuses, journalism is found guilty

Suanne Kelman

The Rise of the Pyjamahadeen

Who says blogging in your parents’ basement is unhealthy?

Warren Kinsella

Help or Interference?

How to interpret the role of western-backed NGOs in Eastern Europe.

Paul Wilson

Mapping A Diaspora

What does being Arab feel like on the streets of a Canadian city?

Rawi Hage

A History of Invisibility

Two books show how Vancouver has doggedly ignored the plight of its prostitutes.

Robert Matas

Of Terrorists and Money Laundering

Governments and the media are accused of wild over-reaction.

Madelaine Drohan

Ascribing Blame

Two books point accusing fingers at players in the Rwandan genocide

John Honderich

Blazing Literati

A burning passion for books creates some heated satire.

Graham Harley

Ban the Bombast

A novel charts the motivations of a bomb victim and her activist sponsors.

Judy Stoffman

Intellectual Soulmates

The Trudeau-Castro friendship had little in common with today’s stage-managed politics.

Paul Knox

Reconsidering Mutilation

Is female genital cutting not so bad after all?

Wendy McElroy

Suburbia Forever

Nothing, it seems, can stop cities from growing ever outwards.

Joe Berridge

Lonely, But Purposeful

Reading the new Liberal leader is a challenge.

Anthony Westell