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September 2019

Jean-Luc Bonifay Illustrations by Jean-Luc Bonifay, an artist from Montreal who specializes in screen printing.

Meritocracy and Its Discontents

The lessons of an unequal opportunity system

James Brooke-Smith

The Maestros

Directing the many moving parts of a great city

Frances Bula

Common Elements

The coercive world of condo governance

John Lorinc

An Unquestioned Truth

Capitalism is not the only answer

Pamela Divinsky

A Moving History

Attempts to reshape a nation

Candace Savage

The Moral Quandary of Commas

Wringing our hands over matters of style

Andrew Benjamin Bricker

Source Code

The men and women who have changed our world

Susan Crean

Not-So-Modest Proposals

Prescriptions for an ailing democracy

David Berlin

Influence U

Going beyond the op-ed

Letitia Henville

How We Got Here

A bifurcated history from Aleksandar Hemon

Lydia Perovic

Graphic Loss

Seth contemplates a bygone era

André Babyn

Double or Nothing

Two novels go all in on gambling

Spencer Morrison

Mark My Words

A new collection by Elise Levine

Alex Good

Murder, She Writes

Why I returned to true crime

Charlotte Gray