Back Issues
December 2009

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Wes Tyrell
Wes Tyrell is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. Prior to his life as a freelancer, he ran a hotel in Cuba and is currently writing about these bizarre experiences in a graphic novel, Fidel & I. Wes has drawn for Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, Dogs in Canada and the BBC. Contact Wes at
Genocide or “A Vast Tragedy”?
University students in an Alberta classroom try to decide
Myrna KostashSpies Among Us
China is the prime suspect in a new wave of industrial espionage.
Andrea Mandel-CampbellSuccess in the Slums?
A blueprint for urban development drawn from some of the world’s poorest communities
Salem AlatonHumanist Conspiracy
Investigating the suspicions of a flamboyant Renaissance pope.
Michael W. HigginsClassical Genius
A novel take on Aristotle and his years with Alexander the Great.
Thomas M. RobinsonWhy Did He Do It?
A Chinese peasant makes a historic gesture that he knows will bring him grief.
John FraserTroubled Brilliance
Meticulous research casts new light on a leading artistic interpreter.
Dennis Reid