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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

December 2015

Maggie Brooks Maggie Brooks is a freelance illustrator and self-proclaimed pun master. She attended Sheridan College for illustration, and currently lives in Toronto. Maggie strives to include large, colourful shapes and hand-created textures in her work. She loves science, stories and home-cooked meals.

City Maker

How the new city hall transformed Toronto.

Joe Berridge

Netflix Nation

Will TV as we once knew it survive, and does anyone care?

Ramona Pringle

Prisoners of Home

Margaret Atwoods imagined society is grounded in the current abuses of capitalism.

Shelley Boyd

Tour Talk

One of Canada’s best-known literary editors takes us on the road.

Marty Gervais

Life in the Barrios

A radical priest’s career among the poor of Haiti and Latin America.

Michael W. Higgins

Against the Tide

Austin Clarke’s latest memoir revisits his early years in Canada.

Lisa Tomlinson

Bunker Boys

How Dalton Camp and Norman Atkins changed Canadian politics forever

Michael Taube

Pink Pills

How the pharmaceutical industry is medicalizing women’s sexuality

Wendy McElroy

Mind Games

The inventive powers of the imagination infuse the work of a famed mathematician.

Mélanie Frappier

Canada to the Rescue

Recalling a high-water mark in the history of Canadian diplomacy

David M. Malone

Monsters of the Night

The rhetoric and reality of the psychopaths around us.

D. B. Krupp

How the Mighty Inca Fell

Ronald Wright’s novel chronicles disease, butchery and betrayal in Peru.

Oakland Ross

It Moves

A Canadian writer’s meditation on the river that flows next to her home

Aritha van Herk

My Parrot and I

A prize-winning memoirist continues the tale of an animal-filled life.

John Lownsbrough

Style and Substance

What happens when we view legal judgements as literary documents?

Allan C. Hutchinson

Settling Accounts

A former civil servant’s memoir highlights intrigue and betrayal in Ottawa.

Jen Gerson

Father Complex

A First Nations celebrity dissects his complicated paternal heritage

Ibi Kaslik