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June 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Wes Tyrell. Wes Tyrell is a Toronto-based illustrator/cartoonist. His work has appeared in Maclean’s, The Globe and Mail, Dogs in Canada and Surfing Life, online at The Huffington Post and internationally on the BBC’s “Secret of Drawing.” When not drawing, Wes fills his life with his partner, Coco, her son, Luca, and Lamont, the French bulldog. You can contact Wes at

Politics as Spectacle

Can Brangelina and Bono really change the public sphere, or just make it glitzier?

Mark Fried

When Women Rule

The Right Honourable Kim Campbell, Canada’s first and only female prime minister, reviews a psychological study of three 20th-century female political giants.

Kim Campbell

“Joga Bonito”

A Vancouver soccer addict bares his soul

John Doyle

Possessing Anarchist Tendencies

The Mac-Paps, it seems, were not your ideal communists.

Bob Rae

Do Genetics Really Tell The Tale?

Boys who underachieve do well. Girls who do well underachieve. Why?

Anne Innis Dagg

Sharia and Its Discontents

Can we find more nuanced ways of examining the Other?

Anver M. Emon

Métis Imposter

A white Ontarian assumed Métis identity and convinced many, including himself

Mike Evans

Ravines and Reality

A bumbling narrator searches for the dark and telling moment in his past

Marianne Apostolides

A Canadian at the Cabaret

Exploring gay desire in pre-war Berlin.

Norman Ravvin

Uganda's Endless War

Zealotry, child soldiers and the deeper roots of Joseph Kony’s 21-year rebellion.

Blake Lambert

Mystery and Ambiguity

A writer excavates an unsolved crime in Saskatchewan.

Joan Barfoot

Borderline Differences

How Canada and the United States treat their sexually diverse citizens.

Paul Cadario

Where Books and Business Meet

Global publishers flock each year to a seven-centuries-old institution in Germany.

Cynthia Good

The Rebel Sibling

A Canadian tycoon’s brother grows up a communist and an artist.

James Laxer

What Does an Indian Look Like?

A massive study chronicles Native representations on Canadian television.

Yvette Nolan

WHO Is Brock Chisholm?

Sometimes being there is just not good enough

Michael Bliss

Olympic Dreams and Fairy Tales

How will Canada’s Olympians acquit themselves in Beijing?

Douglas Brown