Back Issues
June 2013

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Dmitry Bondarenko.
Dmitry Bondarenko is a comic book artist and freelance illustrator based in Toronto’s East End, where he continues to live, work and make borscht. For more information about his work, visit
Cultural Nationalism 3.0
The head of The Writers’ Union of Canada continues the debate on CanLit in the schools (and in our lives)
John DegenHealthy Business, Healthy Planet?
The case against green companies is hard to prove
Andrew HeintzmanCrusader of the Woodlands
It took a Czech botanist to spotlight Canada’s old-growth forests
J.B. MacKinnonPolitical Inheritance
The nationalist blurring of "Left" and "Right," from Scotland and Ireland to Quebec
Jerry WhiteMaking Politics More Welcoming
More than 40 countries let non-citizen residents vote municipally. Why not Canada?
Graeme Cook and Patti T. Lenard