December 2010

Negative Statesmanship
Stephen Harper may end up being known for what he does not do more than for what he does.
Allan R. GreggSex Slaves in Canada
A lucrative criminal trade flourishes under the radar of indifferent governments
Amir AttaranProvocative Idealist
One novelist profiles another in this latest take on the Richler legacy
Norman RavvinCanadian Political Science: Missing in Action?
A practitioner wonders why the progressive side of the discipline has gone mute.
Sylvia BashevkinNews for the World?
Trying to globalize journalism might cause more problems than it solves
Paul KnoxThe Rich Are Bad for Your Health
Why income inequality is a serious problem for all of us.
Jonathan KayDemythologizing the Fur Trade
The living standards of Cree trappers in the 18th century were more European than we think.
Robert McGheeZola, bravest of Leonardo’s apprentices, leaps from the tower of San Francesco, wearing his master’s wings
Kate CayleyA Tangled Tale
Were early British moves in the St. Lawrence the result of sophisticated diplomacy or commercial greed?
Douglas HunterA Battle for Reputation
The story of two Canadian military giants in fearsome personal combat
James C. BaillieA World Turned Upside Down
To face an age of climate change, Twitter and counterinsurgency, Canada’s foreign policy establishment needs fresh ideas
Taylor Owen