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January–February 2013

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Jake Pauls. Jake Pauls is a Toronto-based illustrator whose work has appeared in The Walrus and other magazines.

Book Is Here

A challenging polemic pits print against on-screen reading

Adam Hammond

Spending Like There’s No Tomorrow

Why don’t Canadians save more of their resource wealth?

Madelaine Drohan

The Western “Colonies”

Our notion of equal provinces from sea to sea is surprisingly new

Roger Gibbins

Occupy the Shelf

The tents are gone, but here come the books

Gregory Shupak

Peripatetic Poet

The inner and outer journeys of P.K. Page

Molly Peacock

An Awkward Original

The price of refusing to fit into musical—or gender—boxes

Carl Wilson

After Le grand dérangement

Acadians exiles ended up everywhere from Louisiana swamps to London slums

Donald Akenson

How Did It Come to This?

For progressives facing conservative victories, the question looms large

Tasha Kheiriddin

Handle with Care

Cities don’t just collect our garbage; they help make us who we are

Frances Bula

Public Hostility

What makes hate speech wrong?

Michael Plaxton

An Everyday Extraordinary

Capturing the way people behave in unusual situations

J.C. Sutcliffe

Fascinating Boredom

Exploring the banality of affluence and the tedium of the raconteur

Robert McGill

Defiant Individualism

A classical composer and educator unsung in his own land

Colin Eatock

Patrician Bohemianism

An artist with the benefit of wealth and connections

Maria Tippett

Beautiful Losers

How a Canadian film masterpiece got waylaid by cultural criticism … and then rediscovered

Noreen Golfman

Renaissance Man

A new book traces the longevity and the fragility of Da Vinci’s greatest work

John Lownsbrough

The Chaos of Creativity

An exhaustive journey through the soul of a great musician

Mark D. Dunn