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To Nie Kanada

Our country through the eyes of others

Sisterhood of the Secret Pantaloons

Suffragists and their descendants

Past Imperfect

J. L. Granatstein’s prescient warning

Back Issues

July–August 2008

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Kevin Sylvester. Kevin Sylvester is an author, illustrator and broadcaster who lives in Toronto. His children's book Sports Hall of Weird was named a Silver Birch Honour book in 2006. The sequel, Gold Medal for Weird, has just been published. If you would like to hire him, his website is

Does Independence Matter?

From Elections Canada to the nuclear watchdog, the Harper government seems to disagree

Lorne Sossin

Are We Being Helpful?

Western interventions are called to account in this study of the aftermath of war.

Erna Paris

Closed Off from the World

A new book catalogues the injustices of breakaway Mormon communities

Martha Bailey

The Holocaust in Hungary

A family saga highlights altruism alongside deliberate cruelty.

Anna Porter

Unlearned Lessons

The destruction of Africville still haunts Halifax.

Stephen Kimber

O Captain, My Captain

Under the shadows of Cook and Napoleon, Vancouver was a victim of bad timing.

Daniel Francis

Involuntary Immigrants

Recent books reveal new angles to the Home Children story.

Suanne Kelman

Demons and Deities

A mythic novel explores the extremes we go to when a child dies.

Carol Bruneau

Two Russians in Canada

Western interventions are called to account in this study of the aftermath of war.

Wesley Wark

Is Canada Anti-American?

This book says yes; our reviewer says only partly

Michael Adams

Reimagining English

From globalization to the Internet, the strains on our language are enormous.

Warren Clements

The Hi-Tech Sub-Sahara

India’s economic energy contrasts dramatically with its immense social concerns.

Kasi V.P. Rao

Fatal Attraction

The CBC’s Richard Stursberg and his romance with ratings

Wade Rowland

Friction over Fan Fiction

Is this burgeoning art form legal?

Grace Westcott