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May 2013

Cover art and pictures throughout the issue by Oleg Portnoy. Oleg Portnoy is an award-winning illustrator and graphic designer from Toronto. His illustration work has received recognition from American Illustration, Society of Illustrators West, 3X3 Illustration, CMYK Magazine and Creative Quarterly.

Demand Better

Fixated on energy supply, from wind to oil sands, most policy makers ignore our greenest opportunities

Michael Cleland

Decline of the Downtown Elite?

Canada’s old leaders lost power by ignoring new realities, argues this lively polemic

Yuen Pau Woo

Eating and Surviving

The case for more government support of sustainable food—and less meat in our diets

Jennifer Clapp

What's Happened to CanLit?

In classrooms today, cultural nationalism seems to be a non-starter

Michael LaPointe

Buy American

How a Toronto-based bank stormed the U.S. market

Theresa Tedesco

The Rite of Spring at 100

With a century’s perspective, does Stravinsky’s work still seem pioneering?

Colin Eatock

Exporting Dispossession?

Through Canada’s global mining dominance, domestic rules have world-wide effects

Philippe Le Billon

Defender of the Church

A new biography attempts to capture the most puzzling of 20th-century popes

Michael W. Higgins

Creative Crimes

How artists befriend and betray in the name of their work

Lesley Krueger

Lament for Rosedale

A ruthless portrayal of entitlement in free fall

James FitzGerald

Minor Hockey as Big Business

The disturbing shift from kids’ game to pricey investment

Sheema Khan

Patriation Myth

It took more than Trudeau’s vision to bring the constitution home

John D. Whyte

The Overlooked Majority

Recovering stories of women and children from the Great War’s home front

Tim Cook

Resuscitating the Working Class

Can a 1930s movement show the way ahead for labour today?

Sam Gindin

Den of Religiosity

A visiting cartoonist views Jerusalem with curious eyes

Kenton Smith

A Much Less Secret Service

Everything you wanted to know about Canadian spying but were afraid to ask

Jez Littlewood