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From the archives

The Superpower Next Door

Bully for you — but at what cost?

Meanwhile In Another Forest…

Canada’s trees, and the long history of another era’s resource war

Stars and Swipes

Shared moments and diverging paths

Back Issues

July | August 2022

French Canadian potato farmer, from 1940, by Jack Delano.

Without Great Seriousness

My tadpoles, my goldfish, and I

Kyle Wyatt

A Sort of Equilibrium

Revisiting the debates of old

Jeffrey Simpson

The Four Pallbearers

On some not so fine print

Donald Wright

Unusual Suspect

With vague ideas of armed struggle

Ryan Thorpe

The Long Grind

As the novelty wears off

J.R. McConvey

Marches in Lockstep

An activist’s critique

Paul W. Bennett

Into the Woods

Landscapes of a Greenland past

Samantha Jones

With the Grain

Dead trees outlast the lives of men

Amy Reiswig

Knock on Wood

Solutions don’t always grow in trees

John Baglow

Pursuit and Policy

Diplomatically speaking

Geoff White

The War That Came Before

With rifles, swords, and spades

Tim Cook

Paper Trail

A son’s journey to Vietnam

David Wilson

Eyes Like Saucers

Dispatches from the probe and mail

John Zada


With characters of brass

Jo-Ann Wallace

London Calling

A new novel by Martha Schabas

Chris Gilmore

For the Time Is at Hand

Three takes on the end of the world

Zsuzsi Gartner

A Dual Perspective

Scenes of a Congolese world

Amanda Perry

Depth of Field

Rawi Hage turns to the short story

David Staines

Body Language

This novel of a type

Robert McGill