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March 2022

Photograph by Joseph Krings.

Editorial Restraints

On various conflicts of interest

Kyle Wyatt

Sense of an Ending

Whether that nation can long endure

David Marks Shribman

The Cuban Evolution

With a character all its own

Karen Dubinsky

Through Youthful Eyes

Eleven months in the Middle East

Bronwyn Drainie

Out of Place and Time

It’s still too often about elsewhere

Mobólúwajídìde D. Joseph

Want My Advice?

Jocelyn Coulon thinks we’ve lost our way

Graham Fraser

Dear Pierre

Two men of letters

Bruce K. Ward

The Correspondent

Unstoppable Hilary Brown

Brian Stewart

One Foot in Front of the Other

Round and round an endless track

John Allemang

Hare-Brained Ideas

And that left turn at Albuquerque

Alexander Sallas

Take Out Your Map and Look

Where we’re heading and how we’ll get there

Rohinton Medhora

That World Elsewhere

In some ways, I’ve already been

Pamela Mulloy

She Liked Short Lines

The lyrical voices of Carol Shields

Bruce Whiteman

States of Being

The latest from Casey Plett

John Elizabeth Stintzi

In the Imperial City

A collection by David Huebert

André Forget

That the Poet Here Describes

When a response is demanded

Gary Geddes